Version: 1. Ivalician Lancer's Thighboots Undyed. Non Dyeable Untradable. Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming Undyed. A Gear Mod by tigeri102 [ Public Mod Permalink ] Info Files History Author's Comments: Removes the pauldrons on the shoulders and little bow in the back of the piece, for when you want to look like a particularly stuffy and no-fun-allowed wizard instead of, you know, a melee. she wasn't a dragoon. Ivalician Holy Knight's Set. Nice take. LNC , DRG , RPR. Hands: Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming. 390. Decided to submit my favorite glamour for dragoon! I really loved the Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor, so I tried to make a whole look around it! This is my first time adding a glam, hope you all like it ^w^ Equipment: Augmented Facet Circlet of Maiming ⬤ Shale Brown. The Eorzea Database Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots page. glamours using this piece. Ivalician Royal Knight's Circlet Undyed. Ivalician Royal Knight's Set. Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor. Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers UNIQUEMARKET PROHIBITEDUNTRADABLE. 0. 160. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. Ivalician sets of. Item. Raid Gear. 70 Bonuses Strength +139 Vitality +147 Critical Hit +95 Direct Hit Rate +136 Materia Crafting & Repairs Repair LevelArmorer Lv. Augmented Slipstream Gauntlets of Maiming ⬤ Shale Brown glamours using this piece. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor in Gear Set; Ivalician Royal Knight's Circlet in Gear Set;. 390. Ivalician Royal. The Ark Knight armor is based on the armor worn by Delita when he becomes a Holy Knight, it's just silver and blue instead of gold and red. 70. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. Requirements: Requires. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor. Legs. 160. Created a Reaper glam using my favorite chestpiece - made sure to include a full body pic without shaders as well! Please note that on femme model characters, the petticoat is shorter in the back, and that the thighboots are only obtainable via crafters (purchased with White Crafters' Scrips or Kupo Nuts from the Moogle beast tribe). Files. Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Circlet in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Gloves in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Trousers in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots in Gear Set; Armor Set/iLevel 300-399 The Eorzea Database Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers page. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. Item. glamours using this piece. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor UNIQUEMARKET PROHIBITEDUNTRADABLE. 70. Copy Name to Clipboard. Beckoned by the auracite, you arrive at the Orbonne Monastery—vestige of an ancient civilization lost beneath the twisted roots and vines of a forbidden jungle. 2 Type B Leggings. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. Gold. Mun'gaek Uibok. Replica High Allagan Trousers of Maiming ⬤ Jet Black. Ivalician royal knights chest piece for sure Reply GooseFlashy NovaVana'diel_Malboro • Additional comment actions. Ivalician armor? DanielsonsXe 4 years ago #1 Is there a way to get the Ivalician gear still? I started playing this game purely for that crossover but I missed it. A Gear Mod by Arclily [ Public Mod Permalink ] Info Files History Author's Comments: "A simple texture edit that removes the bulky shoulderpads from the Ivalician Royal Knight Armors of Fending/Maiming" Reaction Emojis: 👀 28 4 212 Heroic Battle Red Silver Medieval Instagram: @lakirakina. It's a different version of Ivalice. [db:item=606123b5370]Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor[/db:item] Copy Tooltip Code to Clipboard. Brown. Ivalician sets of Striking. Ivalician Holy Knight's Trousers. glamours using this piece. Item. Maiming gear is heavy strength-based melee DPS equipment used by dragoons. Ivalician Royal Knight's Gloves Undyed. 70 Bonuses Strength +139 Vitality +147 Critical Hit +95 Direct Hit Rate +136 Materia Crafting & Repairs Repair LevelArmorer Lv. glamours using this piece. 5. Garland Data. | 1920x1080 px. Red. I thought the Ivalician Royal Knight armor looked really good on me, so I made a glam around it c: Equipment. glamours using this piece. 390. 70. glamours using this piece. Hands. Ivalician Armor (iLvl 390) See also: Level 70 Gear Guide Drops in The Orbonne Monastery . No Pauldrons or Bow on Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor. Ivalician Oracle's Halfgloves. Nightsteel Mail of Maiming. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. Metallic. 1 Screenshots 4. I really loved Toasty Steambun's glamour but didn't have the maid's outfit or the matching gloves for the Ivalician set, so here's my take on it! The weapon is the only thing that makes this Reaper specific and can easily be switched out for a Dragoon weapon instead!Ivalician Royal Knight by Marien Fury from «Brynhildr. Fantasy. 390. glamours using this piece. Tonight, it is where your tale ends. Ivalician Ark Knight set . Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots. The Durai Papers claim this holy sanctuary to be. 5. Gear Set. ⬤ Shale Brown. Genders : Unknown. Body: Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor Gloves: Tantalus Cuffs (Pure White) Legs: Faire Kohakama (Midnight Blue) Feet: Demonic Thighboots (Pure White) Weapon: Enhancing Sword & Ritter Shield I would recommend wearing the songbird skirt for other races because it only covers the belly on Lalafell! darthreuental • 4 yr. Raid Gear. Battle. Item#24432. Ivalician Royal Knight's Set. glamours using this piece. Equipment Republican Eques's Headgear ⬤ Shale Brown glamours using this piece Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed glamours using this piece Diamond Gauntlets of Maiming ⬤ Shale Brown glamours using this piece No. Yeah, the Ivalice story in FF XIV is loosely based on a combination of Final Fantasy Tactics (first one not the Advance games) and Final Fantasy XII, but it's not so much a crossover as much as Ivalice is reimagined to fit inside of FF XIV's world. Item. glamours using this piece. Ivalician Royal Knight. Armor Feet Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots Eorzea Database Version: Patch 6. Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers UNIQUEMARKET PROHIBITEDUNTRADABLE. Raid Gear. Author's Comments: Removes the pauldrons on the shoulders and little bow in the back of the piece, for when you want to look like a particularly stuffy and no-fun-allowed wizard instead of, you know,. Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor: 70 390 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB: Body 555 555 2 Strength +139 Vitality +147 Skill Speed +95 Tenacity +136 Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor: 70 390 LNC DRG RPR: Body 389 305 2 Strength +139 Vitality +147 Critical Hit +95 Direct Hit Rate +136 Ivalician Brave's Jacket: 70 390 PGL MNK SAM: Body 305 305 2 Version: 1. No Pauldrons or Bow on Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor by Tigeri102View the original Mod page. Requirements: Requires. Augmented Slipstream Gauntlets of Maiming. Posted In : TexTools Official Discord - sfw_finished_requests. Ivalician Royal Dragoon. Raid Gear. if there's any issues with the mod, dm lucis#0525 on discord thank you for downloading :)Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor; Armure de chevalier royal d'Ivalice; Ivalisische Rüstung des königlichen Ritters;Ivalician Royal Knight's Gloves. Races : Midlander, Highlander, Miqo'te, Elezen, Roegadyn, Lalafell, Au Ra. glamours using this piece. 41 Unique Untradable Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots Feet 0 1 Item Level 390 Defense Magic Defense 290 228 LNC DRG RPR Lv. Ivalician Uhlan's Jacket. MatraTheEternal 4 years ago. 70 Extractable: Yes Projectable: Yes Desynthesizable: 390. No butt cape because a butt needs to be free! Download Link: Ivalician Royal Knight's Gloves. ⬤ Shale Brown. Hands. Initial release. Medieval. Gamer Escape. Patch 4. glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. | 1024x576 px; Ffxiv The Orbonne Monastery Gear. Requirements: Requires. Kirin's Osode of Maiming. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor. 9. Beckoned by the auracite, you arrive at the Orbonne Monastery─vestige of an ancient civilization lost beneath the twisted roots and vines of a forbidden jungle. Red. 70. Diamond Gauntlets of Maiming. glamours using this piece. Shoulderless Ivalician Royal Knights Armor. you need to be logged in to love. A Gear Mod by tigeri102 [ Public Mod Permalink ] Info Files History Author's Comments: Removes the pauldrons on the shoulders and little bow in the back of the piece, for when you want to look like a particularly stuffy and no-fun-allowed wizard instead of, you know, a melee. glamours using this piece. This is a long-term nit that I'm picking, and obviously nothing is going to fix this overnight. 70. Equipment Republican Eques's Headgear ⬤ Shale Brown glamours using this piece Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed glamours using this piece Diamond Gauntlets of Maiming ⬤ Shale Brown glamours using this piece No. 70. Loyal Butler's Jacket. A glam centered around the Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor with Edenchoir gear that matches all the gold and silver highlights of the chest perfectly. Author's Comments: Removes the pauldrons on the shoulders and little bow in the back of the piece, for when you want to look like a particularly stuffy and no-fun-allowed wizard instead of, you know, a melee. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. 0. Raid Gear. glamours using this piece. Sells for. 8. Become a patron to remove ads. Images Categories: Armor Sets Stormblood Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. glamours using this piece. Version: 1. Yeah, the Ivalice story in FF XIV is loosely based on a combination of Final Fantasy Tactics (first one not the Advance games) and Final Fantasy XII, but it's not so much a crossover as much as Ivalice is reimagined to fit inside of FF XIV's world. Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Circlet in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Gloves in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Trousers in Gear Set; Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots in Gear. 60 Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers. No butt cape because a butt needs to be free! Download Link: A Gear Mod by Arclily [ Public Mod Permalink ] Info Files History Author's Comments: "A simple texture edit that removes the bulky shoulderpads from the Ivalician Royal Knight Armors of Fending/Maiming" Reaction Emojis: 👀 28 4 Body: Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor Gloves: Tantalus Cuffs (Pure White) Legs: Faire Kohakama (Midnight Blue) Feet: Demonic Thighboots (Pure White) Weapon: Enhancing Sword & Ritter Shield I would recommend wearing the songbird skirt for other races because it only covers the belly on Lalafell! As just one example of this, the Ivalician Royal Knights armor is just a darker palette-swap of the fending Ivalician Holy Knight's armor. Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots. Item#24438. MatraTheEternal 4 years ago. It's a different version of Ivalice. Heroic. Ivalician Royal. Augmented Slipstream Gauntlets of Maiming. Ivalician Royal Knight's Circlet. 45 Unique Untradable Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers Legs 0 1 Item Level 390 Defense Magic Defense 389 305 LNC DRG RPR Lv. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. Black. glamours using this piece. Patch 4. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armoris an item level 390 body and can be used by Lancer, Dragoon. glamours using this piece. Ivalician Royal Knight's Set. Item. Faire Kohakama. Display Tooltip Code. 60 Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Undyed. Patch 4. Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming ⬤. 6. 5. Doman Steel Halberd Undyed. Advertisement. ago Much appreciated No Pauldrons or Bow on Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor. 70 Extractable: Yes Projectable: Yes Desynthesizable: 390. Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Body 0 5 Item Level 390 Defense Magic Defense 389 305 LNC DRG RPR Lv. 390. It requires being at least level 70 to be equipped. High Steel Armguards of Maiming ⬤ Rolanberry Red glamours using this piece. Fantasy. 5. 2 Type B Leggings ⬤ Jet Black glamours using this piece Using. Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming Undyed. Disable the options if you.